
Mexican Architects members of UIA Bureau, UIA Council and UIA Work Programs 2023 – 2026

UIA Bureau

Arq. José Luis Cortes Delgado

Past President
Colegio de Arquitectos de la Ciudad de México AC

UIA Council

Arq. Marco Antonio Vergara Vázquez

UIA Council Member
Colegio de Arquitectos de Reynosa AC

UIA Work Programme

La UIA es el único organismo mundial de arquitectos, organizado para promover la arquitectura y los intereses de la profesión, la UIA formula políticas y posiciones que tienen el peso de un acuerdo internacional.

El trabajo de la UIA apoya y fortalece los problemas que enfrentan las Secciones Miembros de la UIA a nivel local y ayuda a influir en los organismos mundiales en cuestiones que afectan el interés público y la arquitectura.

Todos los Programas de Trabajo de la UIA deben apoyar los objetivos básicos descritos anteriormente, abordando cuestiones de importancia crítica para la sociedad y la profesión, a escala global, y de una manera que sólo la UIA como institución global puede lograr.

De la misma manera que la FCARM, la UIA tiene sus comisiones y programas de trabajo como Arquitectura para Todos es la contraparte de nuestra Comisión de Accesibilidad Universal, o el programa Patrimonio e Identidad Cultural es la contraparte de Nuestra Comisión de Patrimonio Arquitectónico.

Nos complace informar que la Secretaría General de la UIA ha designado a los siguientes arquitectos mexicanos para ser parte de los Programas de Trabajo de la UIA.

UIA Heritage and Cultural Identity Work Programme

Que hacemos
El Programa de Trabajo sobre Patrimonio e Identidad Cultural de la UIA promueve métodos para la conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico y trabaja para proteger el patrimonio y los sitios culturales existentes y futuros de los desastres naturales. El Programa se ocupa de cuestiones de desarrollo urbano y sostenible, rehabilitación, renovación y conservación de sitios existentes, esforzándose por establecer altos estándares internacionales de buenas prácticas.

Arq. María Iliana Briseño Ramírez

Work Program Correspondent 2023 – 2026
Colegio de Arquitectos de Durango AC

Arq. María Iliana Briseño Ramírez


 Technological institute of Durango (August 1995 – February 2000) – Bachelor’s degree in architecture

University of Guanajuato – Master in Restoration of Sites and Monuments


  • Registered Expert Specialized in Construction Sites Project Development for the city of Guanajuato
  • Expert in Conservation of Historical Real Estate Monuments


  • Consultant – Secretary of State Tourism (August 2001 – November 2003)
    • Execution of the Prize for Cleaning and Conservation of Urban Image of the State of Guanajuato
    • Collaborator in the review of files for the implementation of the Magic Towns Program for the municipalities of San Miguel de Allende and Dolores Hidalgo I.N.
  • Cultural Projects’ Manager – State Institute of Culture of the State of Guanajuato (November 2003 – November 2010)
    • Coordinator for 7 editions of the Prize for the Conservation of the Built Cultural Heritage
    • Manager for State project for training and dissemination on the conservation of the built historical heritage of the State of Guanajuato aimed at municipal authorities and organized civil
    • Design and coordination for the project “Colloquium: Built Historical Heritage, Legacy and Cultural Identity”
  • Independent Architect under the company name “Taller de Oficios y Tutorias” (November 2010 – Current)
    • Dignification of the Church of San Francisco in Comonfort, (December 2014 – April 2015)
    • Dignification of the Church of the Virgen de la Luz in Salvaterra, Guanajuato. (March 2016 – October 2016)
    • Dignification of the Church of the Santísima Virgen de la Luz in Abasolo, Guanajuato. (December 2014 – June 2015)
    • Plazuela Abasolo in Irapuato, Guanajato. (Noviembre 2020- Junio 2021)
    • Reestructuración de la Catedral de Irapuato, Gto. (2018-2020)
    • Dignification of the Church of the Municipalities of Acámbaro, Atarjea, Celaya, Comonfort, Apaseo el Grande, Apaseo el Alto, Jerécuaro, Tarandacuao, Coroneo,  Santiago Maravatio, Huanimaro, Penjamo, Pueblo Nuevo, Cueramaro, Xichú, Tierra Blanca, Santa Catarina, Victoria, San Luis de la Paz, Silao, Cd. Manual Doblado, Tarimoro and Ocampo. (October 2015 – April 2016).
    • Project development and execution for “Adaptacion for national museum of magic towns (MUNPUMA), in Calvillo ”
    • Preparation of File and Intervention Project for the temples of Santa Rosa de Lima and De la Santa
    • Project of Intervention and improvement of the Urban Image of the Facing of the Portal Hidalgo and Adjoining Facades. Historic Center, Jaral del Progreso, Gto
    • Project for the Conservation and Intervention of the Capilla de la Comunidad de Capitiro
    • Conservation and intervention project of the Victoria de Cortazar Community Temple
    • Preparation of File for registration to the convocation of the Prince Claus Fund- Culture and Development / Netherlands
    • Elaboration of a Road, Tourist and Pedestrian Direction Signage Project for the Historic Center of the Municipality of Valle de Santiago, Gto
    • Advisor in the matter of conservation of historical properties of the Municipality of Irapuato, Gto
    • Execution of Restoration Work in the temples of Santa Rosa de Lima, Señor Santiago y la Santa Cruz and Expiatorio San José.

Currently developing the current projects:

LIVING NEIGHBORHOOD. Social integration and strengthening through the recovery of historical memory. SUSTAINABLE CONSERVATION OF HABITAT AND HERITAGE, build and restore with earth.

HISTORY, HISTORIALITY AND HISTORICITY. Analysis of Murrian stratigraphy of historical enclosures.


  • President – Civil Association of Architects of the city of Guanajuato (March 2020 – Current)
  • Architectural Heritage Coordinator – FECARM (May 2021 – 2022)
  • Member the UIA Heritage and Cultural Identity Work (2021-2023)
  • Coordinator of Sites and Monuments – College of Architects of the State of Guanajuato (April 2022- Current)


  • Distinguished associate professional – Secretary of Education of the state of Guanajuato. (2019)
  • Special award


Spanish – Native

English – Upper Intermediate


  • Interpersonal
  • Critical
  • Problem
  • Public


  • Leadership




  • Cultural
  • Universal
  • Restoration

UIA Social Habitat Work Programme

Que hacemos
La desigualdad social es cada vez más visible, especialmente en el entorno urbano, donde viven muy cerca personas de diversos estratos sociales. Se ha demostrado que el aumento de la desigualdad social en las zonas urbanas tiene una correlación directa con la falta de vivienda, el desempleo, la privación social y los problemas de salud. El Programa Hábitat Social de la UIA trabaja para investigar estos problemas desde el punto de vista arquitectónico y comenzar a implementar acciones sociales positivas dentro de la comunidad arquitectónica.

Phd. Mariana Flores García

Work Program Member 2023 – 2026
Colegio de Arquitectos de Zacatecas AC

Phd. Mariana Flores García


2020-actual She studies Master in Smart Infrastructures and Smart Cities. Tech Engineering International School, Mexico & Cardenal CEU Herrera University, Valencia Spain
2020 First Doctorate with Industrial Mention U, Seville – EMVISESA, Spain. EIDUS
2015-2019 Doctorate of Architecture with an emphasis on Housing, Honorable Mention from UAT Campus Tampico, Mex.. Doctorate in Architecture in Housing and Contemporary Habitat Outstanding Cum Laude EIDUS International School Doctorate University Seville, Spain. Double Degree. -Research Development Lines: Conceptualization, Design and Architecture of Housing, Environmental Gerontology. Contemporary housing and habitat, Regenerative Development, Biophilic Design, and Urban Resilience
2018-2019 Research stay at the University of Seville, in Seville, Spain
2017-2018 Master in Eco-efficient Rehabilitation of Buildings and Neighborhoods. EIDUS International School University of Seville. Research Lines: Rehabilitation and eco-efficiency of buildings and neighborhoods. Sustainability
2010-2012 Master in Architectural Design MDA U. La Salle Bajío. Leon Guanajuato. Ced. Prof. 09165659.
2001-2005 Bachelor of Architecture, UAD Campus Zacatecas. Zacatecas. Mention best average Generation.


2020-actual Master in Smart Infrastructures and Smart Cities. Tech Engineering International School, Mexico & Cardenal CEU Herrera University, Valencia Spain
2020 First Doctorate with Industrial Mention U, Seville – EMVISESA, Spain. EIDUS
2015-2019 Doctorate of Architecture with an emphasis on Housing, Honorable Mention from UAT Campus Tampico, Mex.. Doctorate in Architecture in Housing and Contemporary Habitat Outstanding Cum Laude EIDUS International School Doctorate University Seville, Spain. Double Degree. -Research Development Lines: Conceptualization, Design and Architecture of Housing, Environmental Gerontology. Contemporary housing and habitat, Regenerative Development, Biophilic Design, and Urban Resilience
2018-2019 Research stay at the University of Seville, in Seville, Spain
2017-2018 Master in Eco-efficient Rehabilitation of Buildings and Neighborhoods. EIDUS International School University of Seville. Research Lines: Rehabilitation and eco-efficiency of buildings and neighborhoods. Sustainability
2010-2012 Master in Architectural Design MDA U. La Salle Bajío. Leon Guanajuato. Ced. Prof. 09165659.
2001-2005 Bachelor of Architecture, UAD Campus Zacatecas. Zacatecas. Mention best average Generation.


2021-2023 Member of the Social Habitat working group of the UIA (Union International of Architects) 2021-2023.. Participation on behalf of the Federation of Colleges of Architects of the Mexican Republic (FCARM) Mexico. México
2022-2025 Member CONARED – National Council of REDSEDUM representing FCARM. Advisory Council of the Network of Urban Development Secretaries in Mexico. Platform for information, guidance and mainly links with non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and agencies governments that are an active part of urban development at the national level. National Advisory Council and Strategic Guidelines for REDESDUM,

made up of the 32 secretaries of Urban Development of the country. Commissions with active participation: Housing, Urban Development, Planning and Ordering Territorial, Mobility

2021-2023 International External Support from FPAA Pan American Federation of Architecture Associations, México
2021-2024 Consultant Member of the Working Group for Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Territorial Planning Strategy (GTSE-ENOT) on behalf of FCARM AND INAU. 2021-2024

•      Consultant for INAU-FCARM in the Advisory Council for the Implementation of the National Territorial Planning Strategy ENOT 2040, joining efforts with SEDATU and the Federal Agencies and Institutions for its proper implementation in various governmental, non-governmental, academia and research.

•  Consultant Member of the Operational Committees of the National Housing Council CONAVI, in Mexico by FCARM AND INAU. 2021-2024. Operational Committees: Urban Development and land, Affordability, Habitability and Cultural Appropriateness, Monitoring of Public Policies and Programs, Social Housing Production.

2023-2027 Member State System of Researchers of the Government of the State of Zacatecas for the Zacatecano Council of Science, Technology and Innovation. México
2022-2023 Mentor in Territorial Planning Course: towards the orderly management of municipalities, in collaboration with SEDATU FEDERAL. 2022-2023 México
2022-2025 National Distinction High Level Academic Researcher SNI Candidate by Council National Science and Technology CONACHYT (2022-2025). México
2021 – 2024 Director of the National Institute of Architecture and Urbanism INAU, in Federation of Colleges of Architects of the Mexican Republic FCARM. México
2021 – 2025 Member AMAU Mexican Association of Architects and Urbanists A. C. México
2020 –2021 Honorary Thematic Expert Advisor on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focused on the Urban Agenda 2030 to promote Sustainable Development, legal innovation and the empowerment of people in vulnerable situations., In LEED-NET Advisory group United States
2020 –actual Councilor Region II FCARM, Women Architects and Accessibility. México
2019 – actual International Consultant BURO DAP (Office of Development + Architecture

+ Planning), International organization of cooperation and consultancy for sustainable urban development in cities of the southern globe, initially established in Asia (India), Latin America (Colombia) and USA (Montana).

Colombia India

United States México

2016 – actual CIDI Delegate Zacatecas, Mexico, a group of Design and Architecture professionals with the greatest talent and academic training, representing the 100 most important Latin American and Spanish and Portuguese speaking cities outside the Ibero-American territory. México


2015 – actual Active member of the College of Architects of Zacatecas CAZAC. México


Professional Services

2015-actual Consultant Self-employed researcher on housing issues, Planning, Urban Development. Design and Architecture, Healthy Aging and Environmental Gerontology, Sustainable Development.
2019 –2022 Project Coordinator, Secretary of Infrastructure of Government State in Zacatecas, Mex. (SOP). Public Work
2020 – 2022 Research Associate Member at AMAR | Mexican Association of Assistance in Retirement, Mex.
2019 –2023 International Collaborator BURO DAP (Office of Development + Architecture + Planning), International organization of cooperation and consultancy for sustainable urban development in cities of the southern globe.
2018 MREEB Master Fellow 2nd EDITION, at EMVISESA, Municipal Housing, Land and Equipment Company of Sevilla S.A., established by the Seville City Council, 1987.
2016-2018 Deputy Director of Projects, Design and Analysis, Secretary of Government Infrastructure of the State of Zacatecas. (SINFRA)
2006-2016 Designer Dept. Architectural Design, Project Management, SINFRA.
2008-2021 Project Manager of Urban-Architectural and Landscape Design Projects. CITE GROUP. Zac.
2011-2012 Architectural Design Designer. GAC Constructora. Zacatecas.
2004 –actual Development of architectural projects in Own Studio.

Collaboration with Universities

2022 – 2024 Full-time PITC researcher. Faculty of Architecture, La Salle University Bajo Campus Campestre – Vice-Rector’s Office for Research.

•  Lines of investigation:


•  Subjects taught in Bachelor’s degree:

Research Methodology, Introduction to Architecture, Ways of Life, Urban Design Workshop Architectural, Critical History of the City, Analysis and Criticism of Architectural Form, Workshop Research, Architecture and Life Cycle

2021 PostGraduate Professor, Faculty of Architecture Master in Architectural Design (MDA) and Master in

Urban Design (MDU). La Salle Bajío León University, Guanajuato

Subject: Architecture and Environment_28 hrs, Subject: Environment and Wellbeing_40 hrs Subject: Cultural Ecology_.40 hrs, Sustainable Urban Design_ (40 hrs)

•  Graduate Professor, School of Design Master in Habitability of Interior Space). University Salle Bajío León, Guanajuato. Subject The language of the object_42 hrs, Subject: Ecodesign_

2021 Postgraduate Professor, Master in Social Gerontology. Subject: Adaptation of Environments for Older Adults. Cetys Ensenada & Cetys Mexicali University
2021 – actual ITESM Campus Guadalajara Chair Professor, Concentration in Design at the Regional Scale
2021 – actual Master’s Tutor in Architecture and Energy at the American University of Europe UNADE
2020 – actual Doctorate Tutor at the American University of Europe UNADE (Doctorate in Projects, Doctorate in Education, Doctorate in Business Psychology)
2014 – 2017 ITESM Campus Zacatecas Professor, Architecture

Research Groups

2023 – actual RILSA_ Member International Network of Lasallian Researchers International
2022 – 2024 La Salle Bajío University Research Group, Faculty of Architecture.

•  Thematic lines: Housing, Planning, Urban Development, Transdisciplinary



Objective: Address the problems faced by the community in relation to the territory

in terms of habitability of urban, rural and architectural space, for the improvement

of the quality of life and human development. Programs

•  1. Territory Management and Policies

•  2. Urban and Architectural Environment

•  3. Spatial Justice, Participatory Design and Social Innovation

•  4. Building and Emerging Technological Systems

•  5. Environment and Sustainability

•  6. Heritage and City

2020 – actual Research Group in formation. Architecture & Aging. University LA Salle Bajío, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas & UNADE

•  Thematic lines: Housing, Aging and Public Space

2020 – actual Biophilic Cities Research GroupTec de Monterrey Campus Querétaro & Campus Guadalajara, University of Virginia México United States
2020 – actual Sustainability, Technology and Environment Research Group. UNADE_ American University of Europe México Spain
2019 – actual Research Group «Resilient Cities» Buro Dap Mexico, Colombia, Australia, Ahmedabad, India. Méx. Colombia, Australia, India
2018 – actual Research Group University of Seville MREEB. Master in Eco-efficient Rehabilitation of Buildings and Neighborhoods Spain



2020 First Doctorate with Industrial Mention U, Seville – EMVISESA, Spain. EIDUS
2020 Winner 2020 university award “Lic. Natividad Garza Leal ”for a quality doctoral thesis by UAT.


LANGUAGE ABILITIES: Spanish (Native),  English (Toefl 500 Pts)


National Advisory Council on Housing, Urban Development And Planning_ SEDATU, OBUHABITAT, CONAVI, CONARED, National System Of Researchers In Mexico CONACHYT


Contribute with the projects and initiatives from UIA, in representation of FCARM, México, applying my knowledge and my experience, but with willingness to learn from the group of work. I would like to participate in research projects actively, and share with other international researchers’ knowledge, experiences and initiatives, work together for the architects, and for the population in vulnerability.
Provide continuity and dissemination of the work developed in the group during 2021-2023, which was presented in Copenhagen 2023. From this, there are various actions to be carried out around the development of joint research around social habitat, housing and its impact on current and future public policies, as well as the development of strategies and initiatives that can be adapted at the level of strategic orientations by each of the participating countries. Likewise, contribute to the development of the International Observatory of housing and social habitat, of which a previous initiative has been proposed from Afforfable Housing in Madrid 2022. A Manifesto has been developed within the working group that must be developed in a version 2.0 in addition to the Socialization with strategic actors and sectors

Architecture and Children Work Programme

Que hacemos
El Programa de Arquitectura y Niños de la UIA tiene como objetivo concienciar a los niños sobre el entorno construido, la arquitectura, el urbanismo y el desarrollo sostenible. Fomentar sus conocimientos en estos campos garantizará su desarrollo como ciudadanos responsables, capaces de hacer oír su voz e influir en las estrategias políticas, económicas y sociales que darán forma a sus ciudades y su entorno.

Arq. Laila Pérez Ochoa

Work Program Correspondent 2023 – 2026
Colegio de Arquitectos del Estado de Jalisco AC

Arq. Laila Pérez Ochoa

▪ Licenciatura en Arquitectura especialización en Urbanismo y sistemas pasivos.
I.T.E.S.O. Instituto Tecnológico y de estudios superiores de occidente Guadalajara, Jalisco – 1987-1992

● Diplomado en Arquitectura del paisaje U de G. Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco Marzo-Octubre 1992
● Decoración de interiores y Landscape Palazzo Spinelli Florencia, Italia 1993
● Diplomado en costos y valuación I.T.E.S.M. Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara, Jalisco. Febrero 1997
● Diplomado Metropolitan Landscape ITESM Guadalajara, Jalisco 2019
● Diplomado Historia de la Arquitectura de Jalisco. CAEJ Guadalajara, Jalisco 2023
● Curso Luminotecnia CAEJ Guadalajara, Jalisco 2022
● Simposium internacional de conservación de Patrimonio monumental ICOMOS Morelia, Mich. Octubre 1991

I am part as an associate and representative of the company called Ottawa constructions S.A. of C.V. which was born in 1995, mainly focused on housing construction, both residential and popular, urbanization, development of executive projects, among other activities of which we can mention:
Urbanization project and work (introduction of drainage lines, drinking water and sewage, area and hidden electrification network, layout and execution of roads, curbs, sidewalks and other earthworks necessary for their correct execution, as well as the preparation of plans teachers and executives of subdivisions in different areas near Guadalajara, for our own company:

I was part of the board of directors of the College of Architects of the state of Jalisco, serving as the Vice Presidency of cultural action, carrying out various activities, among which the section “Architecture and children in Mexico” stands out, promoting various workshops for training and knowledge of architecture among children, as well as the promotion and development of the State Architecture Prize.

I currently head the Presidency of the College of Architects of the State of Jalisco, A. C.period 2021-2024, being the first woman to hold this position, she headed several commissions as well as comitees and councils of public and private order, as well as assistance and/or presentations in various local, national and international forums and assemblies.



The topic is of great interest to me since I believe that we must transmit to the new generations, especially the little ones, the importance of knowing, recognizing and making known the architecture and cultural heritage of our cities. And that the schools in my country can do the same

Architecture for All Work Programme

Que hacemos
El Programa de Trabajo Arquitectura para Todos de la UIA [AfA] crea conciencia sobre la responsabilidad del arquitecto de garantizar que la accesibilidad y el diseño inclusivo sean componentes esenciales del diseño arquitectónico, la construcción y la educación. El programa promueve buenas prácticas en diseño y arquitectura urbanos accesibles e inclusivos.

Arq. Carlos Daigoro Fonce Segura

Deputy Director Region 3 2023 – 2026
Colegio de Arquitectos de León AC

Arq. Carlos Daigoro Fonce Segura


  • Arquitectura, Universidad de Guanajuato 1998
  • Maestría en Diseño Arquitectónico, Universidad de LaSalle 2011
  • Posgrado en Accesibilidad y Diseño para Todos, Universidad Internacional de Cataluña 2015
  • Diplomado uso de la información para la Planeación, Universidad Iberoamericana León, 2017
  • Maestria en Política y Gestión Pública, Universidad Iberoamericana León, 2020


 Colegio de Arquitectos de León A.C.                                    


  • Current job: Director of Social Inclusión, Instituto Guanajuatense para las Personas con Discapacidad
  • Government employee, public construction, laws and regulations, government planning, public policies, and disability, state of Guanajuato 2012-2021
  • University teaching, architecture, and interior design, 2001-2004, 2006-2011

Published articles and scientific posters.

  • Regulation for the certification of disability in Mexico, Authors: Roldan, V., Fonce, C., Bustamante, A. Carrasco, A., Rosas, E., Barranco., A. Yañez, M., et al.WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting 2023
  • Mexican Core-Set for Disability base don ICF: work progressing, Authors: Dyer D., Barranco A., Yañez M., Roldán V., Fonce C., Velazquez A., Carrasco, A. Rosas E., et al.   WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting 2022 Link
  • An instrument base don ICF to Certificate Disability in Mexico, Authors: Dyer D., Barranco A.., Yañez M., Fonce C. et a., WHO-FIC Network Virtual Annual Meeting 2021 Link
  • Towards th use of the ICF in the Disability Certificate in Mexico, Authors: Yáñez M., Roldán V., Fonce C,. Barranco A., Avendaño D. et al. WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting 2020 Link
  • Sustainable Public Transport Service Adapted for People with Disabilities and Reduced Mobility in the Municipality of León, Guanajuato, Mexico, written in collaboration, 2021.
  • Trabajo protegido: Conceptualización y abordaje en el marco normativo mexicano, 2020, link
  • Marco jurídico, datos diagnósticos y estrategia general para la inclusión de la accesibilidad universal como variable del ordenamiento del territorio, 2018, link


  • Libre Acceso AC.CSO Focused on improving environments for people with disabilities.
  • Consejo de Deporte y Cultura física de Guanajuato, government council
  • Activist for human rights and disability


  • Spanish
  • English, B1


Contribute to awareness of the value of the role that architects’ design decisions have in building communities for all.

Contribute to awareness about accessibility and human rights, especially of people with disabilities and older people

José Benjamin Ortiz González

Work Program Member 2023 – 2026
Colegio de Arquitectos de Nuevo León

José Benjamin Ortiz González


Architect by the ITESM. Master’s degree in architecture with specialization in gerontology.

In the 80’s director of architecture program at the tecnologico de monterrey.


Member of association of gerontology and geriatry, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Member of the college of architects of Nuevo Leon, Mexico


Architect since 1978

Focused mainly in architecture for aging population.


Some workshops and lectures related to the topic of space planning for the elderly.


Spanish – English


At the «architecture for all» work programme:

To promote the theme of accessible spaces as well as better spaces for the elderly, including those related to elderly-friendly communities and cities.
